Sunday, January 29, 2006

Writing vs typing

I think the last time i've written anything substantial using my hand was during the 3-hour exam i did last year. Most of the stuff i have now is typed. My emails, work reports, this blog! I wonder if we're starting to lose the tactile feeling of writing by hand. We still inherit the word "writing" though. I don't call what i'm typing now my "typing". I still call it my "writing". Maybe, the very word "write" may become obsolete in a few decades. However, we can be quite stubborn to stick to things that have become a habit. I might still call all my typewritten text my writing 40 years down the line. Just as we still inherit the queer QWERTY keyboard. There is no reason why 'e' has to be so far away from the middle when it's being used so often!

However, do we lose something by not writing? Does the tactile feeling of writing actually transmit any additional knowledge about myself that i'm missing by typing? Certainly, through typing, i find myself able to express quicker. The thoughts that's flying out will just emerge through my fingers. Writing hasn't been that quick for me. I've never considered my handwriting fast enough to dictate what i have in mind. Typing gives me a much quicker outlet, which in turn allows my thoughts to flow more naturally.

And the best part about typing... is that DELETE button (or backspace, depending on which one you use). It's such an amazing function. There's no fuss about running out of the delete button. No erasing the paper until you bore a hole into the paper. No messy trails of eraser bits. Do these bits even have a name?

The question remains though... do we lose something by not writing with your hand? I've certainly found my handwriting to look horrible. I had to jot down some quick message on a piece of paper recently, and i realised that they're just what a 3 year old kid will write! Probably i can write with my left hand, and you won't be able to tell the difference! (I'm a dominant right, if you haven't guessed that.)

so, one thing we lose is the beauty of handwriting. The accomplished writer (i.e. anyone who writes a lot) will have a more congruent handwriting than the amateur. Is beauty important? Why do we recognise beauty when we see it? This is probably an entire topic on itself. But focusing on handwriting itself, maybe the beauty tells us something else about the writer than the mere meaning of the words written. Just like body language. The body actually conveys 80% (ok, the majority) of the message of the words spoken. (i've read/heard it somewhere, so don't quote me on the statistic!) So, can this be true also of handwriting?

Without going into typography analysis (or i think that's what they're called), i believe writing actually tells the writer something rather than the reader. The reader may interpret the handwriting, but the writer will benefit from the message. The art of handwriting will help the writer to grow as a person. By learning how to write, you learn more about life itself. You learn that every stroke matters. You learn that each stroke will build from the previous one. You learn that sometimes you like to write freely (scribbles) and sometimes you like a more rigid handwriting. You learn that you couldn't write as fast as your thoughts, so you have to choose your words carefully, giving you space to think.

So, i urge myself as much as i urge you. Continue writing. You never know when you'll need to pick up that pencil to write an important message down. You never know that when you write "I miss you" in your own handwriting, you'll actually pass on an important message that may change your life, and someone else's!

Life's little snippets

It's been a while since i've last posted, 11 days to be exact! I find it difficult to find the inspiration to write the things i want to write.

When i started this blog, my theme was to concentrate on life's little things, to remind me of the smallest things that happen when i'm busy with life itself. I want to remember the beauty of the littlest things, and not to be consumed by the more superficial beauty that's handed down by corporations. I want to be reminded that there's beauty in the dullest of things e.g. the bench i sat on with that special someone, the pavement i fell on which cause me some embarassment to the neighbours, not to mention some dead skin!

I feel that the littlest things normally have the most important message, a message that'll guide me good and guide me far in life. And if we choose to ignore these messages, we will choose to ignore life itself. I want to be reminded that the little things matter. Possibly to remind myself that although i'm a very small part of this world, i alone can make all the difference. I only need to believe enough in that commitment.

I guess i'm starting to realise that to pick up on the little things is a skill itself. It's difficult!! You have to be able to take the proverbial "step back" at each step. You have to be doing the things you're doing and yet be removed from it all at the same time so that you can actually see what you're doing, as if you're seeing yourself through someone else's eye.

My confidence wavered. i took short cuts. I put snippets of other people's views into my blog. I hope that'll generate more interest for my readers. But i don't feel good with what i write. And then i came across this person's blog . It reminds me of the importance of writing something original, writing something of value. I feel a new lease of life.

Hopefully, in this new year at least, i will remember to remind both myself and my readers of what's important in life. and with that, i wish everyone a Happy Woof Year! (it's the year of the dog in the chinese calendar!)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Why nobody reads your blog

Found this top 10 reasons why nobody reads your blog. And guess what's the number 1 reason? I'm not a good looking female who likes posting naked pictures of herself. Damn... (Warning.. website not suitable for workplace!)

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Maths is sexy!

well.. it won't get you your next date (or will it?) but maths seem to be suddenly in demand again! google is an example, but see this article Math will Rock Your World for more examples.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Who says you can't earn your million?

This might be stale news now.. but check out this guy who set up the million dollar homepage! He's just a 21 year old, looking to finance his university studies. He ended up being sort of a celebrity answering interviews all over the world. And of course, he earned his $1m.. selling a pixel of advertising space for $1 each... 1 million pixels sold in total. Who says you can't earn your million?!! you just need to have a really bright idea. time for me to go into my idea factory (i.e. sleep!)

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Equal opportunity

For the very first time, i saw a black mannequin today, together with black hair. talk about equal opportunities! it has extended to mannequins now. maybe we'll see other races soon. or am i just in the wrong shops?

talking about equal opportunities, a doorman at Ralph Lauren rejected to open the door for us when we were walking into the shop in Italy. When we were approaching, the doorman just walked away after seeing us. We got so annoyed that we didn't even bother going in. i guess u can put an equal opportunity mannequin in a shop, but u can't put an equal opportunity eye in a person.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Inner voices

Another round of badminton yesterday. the first after the festive seasons... actually it's the first of any exercise! really felt like i was lugging a big lump of fat around the court yesterday. i was literally sliding all over the court.. it might be the shoes or the fact that fat is slippery...

anyway, came back with a tub of KFC (after all that exercise.. i know!) and had a quiet night in with a movie - Wimbledon. It's about tennis (obviously!) and it's about love (hollywood had to appeal to the masses apparently, not just tennis fans!). the interesting bits were actually the bonus features on the DVD. they had a tennis consultant (for those of u who knows tennis.. Pat Cash). he had to train the actors and actresses to play Wimbledon-level tennis in 4 months! there were a lot of CGI, so the training focused on getting them to "look" the part.

then came some interesting ideas that these professional tennis players talk about - the inner voices. this actually featured throughout the movie but i didn't realise it. it just felt like another movie with someone narrating in the background. John McEnroe was there as well (remember him? the obnoxious tennis player?). They talk about how the smallest things that happen can cripple your game e.g. strings break, bad eye contact with someone, shoe laces untied (tennis players are very superstitiuos apparently!). they'll plant a seed of doubt in you and that's all it takes to win or lose a game. it'll trigger the incessant inner voices, battling it out in your head - "i'm tired", "my back hurts", "my ankle hurts", "why am i not winning this guy" etc.. and before u know it, you've lost the game.

hey, i just came back from badminton, and all these did happen! the incessant inner voices... i didn't realise i was talking to myself THAT MUCH! maybe there's a way to drown out all those voices.. i'm sure you've heard of phrases like "in the zone", "on fire".. i think that's being able to drown out the voices, the doubts. i think that's the level to aspire to! now, i'll just need to get a good racquet, good shoes, good t-shirt etc.. i'm still blaming the tools if u haven't noticed!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Nice trip

It's sub-zero outside, everything's frozen, and that includes my reflexes... had a nice "trip" down the pavement outside my house. (what's me and accidents!) anyway, i realised that i haven't fallen and hurt myself for ages. maybe we should fall once in a while, so that we know that we're still human. vulnerable to the little things that defines us as human. maybe falling is good so that we can learn from them. now.. what did i learn from my fall... wear proper shoes if u have to go out? watch where you're going? only step forward if you're balanced? maybe i should just bring out the trash when it's light, not dark!!