Thursday, May 11, 2006

Can I help you with something else?

This is a rant (just so you know). My internet connection in Malaysia is not working. The modem seems to be out. A technician was suppose to come round. He arrived on Monday without letting anyone know. Naturally, Murphy's law dictates that no one was at home to "welcome" him and he left a note saying he was there. Does he expect me to be there 24/7 to wait for him?!!...(click here for the rest of the rant)

He left a direct number which I've called several times, nobody answer. Called the customer service centre, and they tried to call him as well. No answer. Told me they'll assign another technician. I asked them when can I expect him/her? They say dunno.

"Just give me a timeframe"

"Sorry, i don't really know"

"Is it going to be days? Weeks? Months?"

"er... just wait for the technician's call" and for the killer statement... "can i help you with something else?"

I was like, you can't even help me with this and you want to help me with something else?!! No !@#$%ing way!! just go !@#$ yourself.. which translated through the phone as "no thanks." and we hung up.

that was since monday. today, i went to a branch they set up near by, and see if I have better luck there. the branch only deal with sales, not servicing. fine. then there's this big poster saying the services they provide. since i'm looking for a web hoster, i thought i ask what's their going rate. i don't actually want them as a hoster given their track record, but i thought i find out the price anyway.

"sorry, we don't do hosting" and what's the big !@#$ing sign behind there for?!! or streamyx, if you see this, shame on you! to be fair, the people i spoke to were quite friendly.


Blogger Jessica said...

Customer service with a difference, huh? Any laws about false advertising in Malaysia?

Thursday, 11 May, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hmm, didn't know service is that bad. By the way, if your modem is not working, you need to contact the vendor or the manufacturer. The ISP usually only provides connectivity service, unless it's different in Malaysia.

Saturday, 13 May, 2006  

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